General Clothing Provision | Mission Homeless Resource Center
Provides services for people experiencing homelessness. Includes snacks, water, coffee, clothing, hygiene kits, and opportunity to shower. Also provides referrals to additional services. Offers monthly haircuts, monthly vision screening, and legal assistance by appointment.
Last Assured
Physical Address
116 E Pinal St, Cottonwood, AZ 86326-3657
Mon, Tue, Fri 9am-11am resource center; Mon 4pm-5:30pm, Tue 9am-12:30pm haircuts; 1st Tue 10am-11am vision screening
Application process
Call, email, or visit center. Call to be put on a callback list for legal clinic.
People experiencing homelessness
English, Spanish
Service area
Yavapai County, AZ
Agency info
Mission Homeless Resource Center
Provides services for people experiencing homelessness. Includes snacks, water, coffee, clothing, hygiene kits, and opportunity to shower. Also provides referrals to additional services. Offers monthly haircuts, monthly vision screening, and legal assistance by appointment.