Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution | DNA - People's Legal Services - Chinle
Provides legal services in certain civil matters including landlord/tenant, domestic relations, public benefits, and consumer law. No criminal law services. Assists low-income taxpayers by providing free tax preparation clinics during tax season. Represents and provides referrals to taxpayers with appeals and are involved in direct controversies with the IRS.
Last Assured
Physical Address
Chapter House Complex, Chinle, AZ 86503
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Application process
Call or visit office
Residents of Apache and Navajo counties with low income, particularly members of the Navajo Nation
English, Navajo, Spanish
Service area
Apache County, AZ Navajo County, AZ
Agency info
DNA Peoples Legal Services Chinle
Provides legal services in certain civil matters including landlord/tenant, domestic relations, public benefits, and consumer law. No criminal law services. Assists low-income taxpayers by providing free tax preparation clinics during tax season. Represents and provides referrals to taxpayers with appeals and are involved in direct controversies with the IRS.