Online Tax Preparation/E-Filing Sites | Free Online Tax Filing Website
Website provides software to file state and federal taxes. The homepage gives the option of guiding participants through preparing their own taxes or asking for assistance. Participants must register online and a link will be sent for those who choose to do their own paperwork. Choosing to ask for assistance goes to a page with the site locator for the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Note that assistance is only available for the three most recent tax years.
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Free Online Tax Filing Website
Website provides software to file state and federal taxes. The homepage gives the option of guiding participants through preparing their own taxes or asking for assistance. Participants must register online and a link will be sent for those who choose to do their own paperwork. Choosing to ask for assistance goes to a page with the site locator for the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Note that assistance is only available for the three most recent tax years.