Municipal Police | Maricopa County Sheriff's Office - District 3
Provides local law enforcement services in Aguila, Circle City, Gladden, Morristown, Sun City, Sun City West, Waddell, Whispering Ranch, Wittmann, and the unincorporated neighborhoods surrounding El Mirage, Peoria, Surprise, Wickenburg, and Youngtown including Lake Pleasant and White Tanks parks.
Last Assured
Physical Address
13063 W Bell Rd, Surprise, AZ 85378-9750
Application process
Call or text
No restrictions
English; others available
Service area
Aguila, AZ El Mirage, AZ Morristown (Circle City), AZ Sun City, AZ Sun City West, AZ Sun City West (Sun City), AZ Surprise (Sun City), AZ Surprise (Sun City West), AZ Waddell, AZ Wickenburg, AZ Wittmann, AZ Youngtown, AZ
Agency info
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office District 3
Provides local law enforcement services in Aguila, Circle City, Gladden, Morristown, Sun City, Sun City West, Waddell, Whispering Ranch, Wittmann, and the unincorporated neighborhoods surrounding El Mirage, Peoria, Surprise, Wickenburg, and Youngtown including Lake Pleasant and White Tanks parks.