Medical Equipment Expense Assistance | Friends of Man
Provides assistance to people with mobility needs on low income who have a referral. Offers financial assistance for equipment such as prostheses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, and vehicle modifications; and for ramps and other minor home modifications that are needed for accessibility.
Last Assured
Physical Address
Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
Application process
Visit website to apply. Applications are accepted from social service professionals only. Application must include an estimate of the cost of item or service needed, copy of photo ID, and medical documentation.
People with mobility needs with household income at or below 300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines. Must have referral from a social service professional, such as a case manager, teacher, counselor, patient navigator, or clergy member.
Agency info
Friends of Man
Provides assistance to people with mobility needs on low income who have a referral. Offers financial assistance for equipment such as prostheses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, and vehicle modifications; and for ramps and other minor home modifications that are needed for accessibility.