Taxpayer Information Lines | Internal Revenue Service
Federal tax collection agency administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress. Provides information by phone and online to help people understand and meet their tax responsibilities. Website provides forms which can be downloaded, and information about tax return corrections, penalties and penalty relief, refunds, deductions, and credits (Earned Income Tax Credit, education, child care, adoption, Saver's Credit, Welfare-to-Work, and Work Opportunity Tax Credit). Also provides answers to frequently asked questions for individuals, businesses, and nonprofits.
Last Assured
Physical Address
1111 Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC 20224-0001
Mon-Fri 7am-7pm local time by phone
Application process
Call or visit website
All taxpayers, including small business owners and sole proprietors
English, Spanish
Service area
Agency info
Internal Revenue Service
Federal tax collection agency administers the Internal Revenue Code enacted by Congress. Provides information by phone and online to help people understand and meet their tax responsibilities. Website provides forms which can be downloaded, and information about tax return corrections, penalties and penalty relief, refunds, deductions, and credits (Earned Income Tax Credit, education, child care, adoption, Saver's Credit, Welfare-to-Work, and Work Opportunity Tax Credit). Also provides answers to frequently asked questions for individuals, businesses, and nonprofits.