Christmas Baskets | Marana Mobile Distributions
Provides food boxes to people in need. Clients may receive one box a month. Also provides a job resource center and computer lab. Offers SNAP/AHCCCS registration and renewal.
Last Assured
Physical Address
15790 W. Silverbell Road, Marana, AZ 85653
1st Fri 8am-10am, 3rd Wed 1pm-2:30pm for Avra Valley; 2nd Wed 1pm-2:30pm, 4th Fri 8am-10am for Picture Rocks
Application process
New clients for food boxes must bring a photo ID, provide proof of local address, list of all household members and their dates of birth, and self-declare low income (no documentation needed).
People in need in the Avra Valley, Marana, Picture Rocks, Rillito, and northwest Tucson areas
English, Spanish
Service area
Rillito, AZ Marana, AZ 85742, AZ 85741, AZ 85743, AZ 85704, AZ
Agency info
Marana Mobile Distributions
Provides food boxes to people in need. Clients may receive one box a month. Also provides a job resource center and computer lab. Offers SNAP/AHCCCS registration and renewal.