Community Clinics | Wesley - Recker Campus
Offers primary healthcare for families with or without health insurance, including family, prenatal, and pediatric care. Provides help applying for insurance and SNAP. Also offers Refugee Clinic to provide comprehensive medical care to refugees and asylees, immigrants, individuals with temporary visas, and anyone with limited English-speaking skills, regardless of financial needs.
Last Assured
Physical Address
5845 E Still Circle, Mesa, AZ 85206-3635
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Application process
Call, email, or visit center. If voicemail is left on the Refugee Patient Appointment Line, a call back will be completed within 24 hours to schedule an appointment.
No restrictions
English, Spanish; others available
Service area
Phoenix, AZ
Agency info
Wesley Recker Campus
Offers primary healthcare for families with or without health insurance, including family, prenatal, and pediatric care. Provides help applying for insurance and SNAP. Also offers Refugee Clinic to provide comprehensive medical care to refugees and asylees, immigrants, individuals with temporary visas, and anyone with limited English-speaking skills, regardless of financial needs.