Veteran/Military Hotlines | Be Connected
Provides support, and information about and referrals to services for active duty service members, veterans, and family members. Also provides support for helpers and providers seeking information on military benefits and resources.
Last Assured
Physical Address
Confidential location, Tempe, AZ 85281
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm by phone; 24-hours website
Application process
Call or visit website
Active duty service members, veterans, dependents under the age of 18, and fiduciaries appointed by the VA. If someone is related to a member of the military but does not fall into the categories listed above, they are considered civilians and should not be referred to Be Connected.
Service area
Agency info
Be Connected
Provides support, and information about and referrals to services for active duty service members, veterans, and family members. Also provides support for helpers and providers seeking information on military benefits and resources.