
TANF Applications | DES Cash Assistance Program

Provides financial assistance to needy families with dependent children for a lifetime limit of 60 months through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Assistance is available to single parents, two-parent families through the Two-Parent Employment Program (TPEP), Kinship Care, Kinship Foster Care, unwed minor parents, and legal permanent guardians. Grant Diversion Program provides one-time financial assistance to assist adults in families to get or keep a job so ongoing support will not be required.

Last Assured


Physical Address

Various locations statewide, Phoenix, AZ 85007


Mon-Fri 7am-6pm




Application process

Call for appointment and referral to local office or visit website to apply online; does not accept drop-ins


Varies by program


English, Spanish; other languages through phone interpreter service

Service area


Agency info

DES Cash Assistance Program

Provides financial assistance to needy families with dependent children for a lifetime limit of 60 months through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Assistance is available to single parents, two-parent families through the Two-Parent Employment Program (TPEP), Kinship Care, Kinship Foster Care, unwed minor parents, and legal permanent guardians. Grant Diversion Program provides one-time financial assistance to assist adults in families to get or keep a job so ongoing support will not be required.