General Crime Victim Assistance | Tohdenasshai Committee Against Family Abuse
Provides hotline, shelter and local transportation for Navaho Nation community women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Assists with filing orders of protection in court. Offers referrals to available and appropriate professional and social services. Provides emergency shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.
Last Assured
Women and children from the Navajo Nation community who are victims of domestic violence, human trafficking or sexual assault.
English, Navajo
Service area
Apache County, AZ Coconino County, AZ Navajo County, AZ
Agency info
Tohdenasshai Committee Against Family Abuse
Provides hotline, shelter and local transportation for Navaho Nation community women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Assists with filing orders of protection in court. Offers referrals to available and appropriate professional and social services. Provides emergency shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.