General Clothing Provision | First Baptist Church of Prescott/Solid Rock Christian Fellowship Reach Out Program
Provides services for people in need in Chino Valley, Prescott, and Prescott Valley. Services include emergency food boxes, meals, clothing, and limited financial assistance for rent and utilities.
Last Assured
Physical Address
148 S Marina St, Prescott, AZ 86303-4702
Mon, Thu 1pm-3pm clothing and food boxes; Mon 4pm meals served
Application process
Call for an appointment
People in need in Chino Valley, Prescott, and Prescott Valley
Service area
Prescott, AZ Prescott Valley, AZ 86323, AZ
Agency info
First Baptist Church of Prescott Solid Rock Christian Fellowship Reach Out Program
Provides services for people in need in Chino Valley, Prescott, and Prescott Valley. Services include emergency food boxes, meals, clothing, and limited financial assistance for rent and utilities.