Classroom Training | Phoenix Indian Center Workforce Development Services - Flagstaff
Provides employment assistance, job counseling, and job skills and readiness classes. Provides information about and referrals to community resources.
Last Assured
Physical Address
1500 E Cedar Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86004-1643
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Application process
Call or visit center. Documentation required to prove unemployment or underemployment. Males must bring their Selective Service registration letters. Documentation required for tribal enrollment.
American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians residing in the Flagstaff area
English; some Native American languages may be available
Service area
Coconino County, AZ
Agency info
Phoenix Indian Center Workforce Development Services Flagstaff
Provides employment assistance, job counseling, and job skills and readiness classes. Provides information about and referrals to community resources.