Holiday Adoption Programs | The Salvation Army Christmas Donation Programs
Offers opportunities for the community to provide Christmas assistance. Through the Adopt-A-Family program, families in need create a wish list of items which is given to a volunteer donor team. Donors then give toys for children and funds for Christmas dinner for the entire family. Through the Angel Tree program, trees are set up in various locations, and on the branches are tags with the Christmas wishes of children from families with low incomes. To make a donation, go to the trees and choose an Angel Tag.
Last Assured
Physical Address
1002 N Main Ave, Tucson, AZ 85705-7610
Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm administration
Application process
Call or visit website for sponsorship application, or bring items to donation sites
No restrictions
Service area
Tucson, AZ
Agency info
The Salvation Army Christmas Donation Programs
Offers opportunities for the community to provide Christmas assistance. Through the Adopt-A-Family program, families in need create a wish list of items which is given to a volunteer donor team. Donors then give toys for children and funds for Christmas dinner for the entire family. Through the Angel Tree program, trees are set up in various locations, and on the branches are tags with the Christmas wishes of children from families with low incomes. To make a donation, go to the trees and choose an Angel Tag.