Holiday Adoption Programs | The Salvation Army Christmas Angel Tree Program - Green Valley
Distributes gifts to school children in families with low incomes. Trees are set up in the community each year and on the branches hang Angel Tags with the children's wishes. To make a donation, go to the trees, and choose an Angel Tag.
Last Assured
Physical Address
555 N La Canada Dr, Green Valley, AZ 85614-3430
Mon-Fri 8am-noon, 1pm-4:30pm
Application process
Call for appointment
Students age 18 and younger in families with low income in Green Valley and Sahuarita
Service area
Green Valley, AZ 85629, AZ
Agency info
The Salvation Army Christmas Angel Tree Program Green Valley
Distributes gifts to school children in families with low incomes. Trees are set up in the community each year and on the branches hang Angel Tags with the children's wishes. To make a donation, go to the trees, and choose an Angel Tag.