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Provides case management and food boxes for people in need.
Provides case management and food boxes for people in need.
Food Pantries
Provides crisis hotline for LGBTQ+ people dealing with intimate partner violence, domestic violence, hate violence, sexual violence, and stalking. Services include case management, emergency shelter, food pantry, and connection to additional resources.
Provides crisis hotline for LGBTQ+ people dealing with intimate partner violence, domestic violence, hate violence, sexual violence, and stalking. Services include case management, emergency shelter, food pantry, and connection to additional resources.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, family planning and individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, family planning and individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Distribute food to families and individuals in the Humboldt Unified School District that fall below the federal poverty guidelines who are in need due to recent events causing financial hardships. Clients can receive donations of food once per month.
Distribute food to families and individuals in the Humboldt Unified School District that fall below the federal poverty guidelines who are in need due to recent events causing financial hardships. Clients can receive donations of food once per month.
Provides a directory of food banks, resources and partners to guide people needing food to an appropriate resource.
Provides a directory of food banks, resources and partners to guide people needing food to an appropriate resource.
Provides food pantry to individuals and families in need located in Tucson.
Provides food pantry to individuals and families in need located in Tucson.
Food Pantries
Provides 3-day supply of food for households in Arizona City, Eloy, Picacho, and Toltec. Also provides diapers.
Provides 3-day supply of food for households in Arizona City, Eloy, Picacho, and Toltec. Also provides diapers.
Provides food boxes to people in need. Clients may receive one box a month. Also collects edible, unsaleable food from grocers and other sources for inclusion in food boxes and to distribute to nonprofit organizations that feed people. Offers SNAP/AHCCCS registration and renewal.
Provides food boxes to people in need. Clients may receive one box a month. Also collects edible, unsaleable food from grocers and other sources for inclusion in food boxes and to distribute to nonprofit organizations that feed people. Offers SNAP/AHCCCS registration and renewal.
Provides food boxes twice per month to individuals and families in need at warehouse location and eight different neighborhood distribution locations. Also distributes food to nonprofit agencies. **Warehouse closed 7/30/24 to 10/5/24 due to construction**
Provides food boxes twice per month to individuals and families in need at warehouse location and eight different neighborhood distribution locations. Also distributes food to nonprofit agencies. **Warehouse closed 7/30/24 to 10/5/24 due to construction**
Food Pantries
Provides services for people in need. Services include monthly food boxes, daily snack bags, personal hygiene items, use of the showers, and assistance to get state ID and Arizona birth certificate.
Provides services for people in need. Services include monthly food boxes, daily snack bags, personal hygiene items, use of the showers, and assistance to get state ID and Arizona birth certificate.
Provides shelter for men, women, and families who are homeless. Includes meals, showers, laundry, and case management. Also provides meals and food bags every weekday to people in need. Delivers meals to those who are homebound on a case-by-case basis.
Provides shelter for men, women, and families who are homeless. Includes meals, showers, laundry, and case management. Also provides meals and food bags every weekday to people in need. Delivers meals to those who are homebound on a case-by-case basis.
Provides food boxes and clothing for people in need.
Provides food boxes and clothing for people in need.
Provides food boxes, clothing, diapers, and hygiene items for people in need. Available once per month.
Provides food boxes, clothing, diapers, and hygiene items for people in need. Available once per month.
Food Pantries
Provides emergency food boxes to people in need.
Provides emergency food boxes to people in need.
Provides emergency food boxes to people in need. Clients may receive one box per month.
Provides emergency food boxes to people in need. Clients may receive one box per month.
Provides family resource center, case management, sack lunches, emergency food boxes, and emergency financial assistance for clients.
Provides family resource center, case management, sack lunches, emergency food boxes, and emergency financial assistance for clients.
Provides food boxes to people in need.
Provides food boxes to people in need.
Food Pantries
Provides food boxes to people in need. Also provides adult clothing, shoes, hygiene items, backpacks, and blankets.
Provides food boxes to people in need. Also provides adult clothing, shoes, hygiene items, backpacks, and blankets.
Food Pantries
Provides services to seniors in Tempe. Services include friendly calls and visits, yard work, temporary pet care, and transportation to medical appointments and grocery store. Also provides light home maintenance such as replacing light bulbs, air filters, and smoke alarm and hearing aid batteries; yard work; and minor home and plumbing repairs. Offers assistance with cell phones, DVRs and televisions, internet and email, and general computer assistance. Delivers food boxes to seniors.
Provides services to seniors in Tempe. Services include friendly calls and visits, yard work, temporary pet care, and transportation to medical appointments and grocery store. Also provides light home maintenance such as replacing light bulbs, air filters, and smoke alarm and hearing aid batteries; yard work; and minor home and plumbing repairs. Offers assistance with cell phones, DVRs and televisions, internet and email, and general computer assistance. Delivers food boxes to seniors.
Provides services for people in need in Chino Valley, Prescott, and Prescott Valley. Services include emergency food boxes, meals, clothing, and limited financial assistance for rent and utilities.
Provides services for people in need in Chino Valley, Prescott, and Prescott Valley. Services include emergency food boxes, meals, clothing, and limited financial assistance for rent and utilities.
Food Pantries
Provides emergency food boxes to people in need. May pick up two per month.
Provides emergency food boxes to people in need. May pick up two per month.
Provides food boxes to people in need once every two weeks.
Provides food boxes to people in need once every two weeks.
Food Pantries
Provides food boxes and clothing to people in need. Also provides referrals to other services.
Provides food boxes and clothing to people in need. Also provides referrals to other services.
Provides food boxes to people in need.
Provides food boxes to people in need.
Supports academic success by helping students and families find the resources they need. Provides family support center, limited food boxes, clothing, school supplies, and referrals to additional services. Serves as a family resource center.
Supports academic success by helping students and families find the resources they need. Provides family support center, limited food boxes, clothing, school supplies, and referrals to additional services. Serves as a family resource center.
Food Pantries