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Sells donated clothing and household goods to the general public.
Provides Christian mentoring for youth who have experienced foster care or homelessness. Offers resources for housing, hygiene, food, life skills, single parent support groups and other education. Christmas assistance and totes for teens ageing out of foster care.
Provides support services and information about additional resources in the community for Alhambra Elementary School District students and their families. Offers clothing and toiletries, food boxes, and access to behavioral health and benefits application assistance. Serves as a family resource center.
Provides life packs for veterans in need. Packs may contain backpacks, sunscreen, personal hygiene products, socks, t-shirts, underwear, lip balm, bottled water, protein/granola bars, Bible or other reading material, and other items.


General Clothing Provision
Provides dinner weekly at Mountain Park Health Clinic parking lot in Tempe for people experiencing homelessness. Offers clothing and hygiene items. Helps with obtaining IDs, resume writing, and getting people into detoxification and rehabilitation programs.
Provides faith-based facilities for people in need. Offers emergency shelter for adults (18+) who are homeless and domestic violence shelter for adult women and their children. Includes meals, food pantries, clothing distribution, showers, and Bible study classes. Also provides lunch and dinner for people in need. Offers Celebrate Recovery Meetings on Saturdays at 1pm


General Clothing Provision
Provides programs for families and their children, youth, and young adults experiencing mental health and behavior challenges. Services include one-on-one family support, peer support, health promotion, support groups, training and education, individual and community-based living skills, respite, and connecting families and individuals with support in the community.
Provides services for people experiencing homelessness. Includes snacks, water, coffee, clothing, hygiene kits, and opportunity to shower. Also provides referrals to additional services. Offers monthly haircuts, monthly vision screening, and legal assistance by appointment.
Distributes food and clothing to people in need. Also provides transportation from the Richland/Sunsites area to Willcox twice monthly and to Benson at various times; bus is not wheelchair accessible.
Provides daytime drop-in center and residential housing services for women who are homeless. Length of stay may be 90 days. Center services include breakfast, sack lunch to go, local phone calls, laundry, restrooms, showers, clothing, bus passes, hygiene items, supplies, resources, assessments, referrals, and optional case management.
Provides back packs and school supplies for TUSD students. Also provides hygiene items and clothing such as pants, shirts, diapers, underwear, belts, shoes, socks, dresses, and prom gowns.
Provides food, clothing, and toiletries.
Community anti-drug coalition. Provides family resource center, substance abuse prevention education through workshops, public outreach, and presentations to schools, clubs, and businesses. Works to change public and social policy related to substance abuse and prevention. Mentors the development of new drug prevention coalitions across Arizona. Offers diaper assistance, food pantry, and clothing to those in need.
Provides basic needs when available including food boxes, clothing, baby formula and diapers, and utility bill payment assistance. Provides information about and referrals to community resources.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Provides food to people in need. Clients may receive assistance once per month.
Provides food and clothing to people in need.
Provides food and clothing for people in need.
Provides clothing, hygiene items, shoes, and basic linens to people in need through the Clothes Cabin program. Clients may visit once every three months if needed and receive approximately 8-10 articles of clothing per person. Also offers laundry service, storage lockers, showers, and mailboxes to clients who are homeless. The Back-to-Work program provides uniforms and other items to people who are newly employed.
Provides perishable and non-perishable food, hygiene and household items, pet food and clothing to people in need.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Provides food boxes and clothing to people in need. May also assist with hygiene supplies and kitchen items.
Provides food and clothing to people in need. Also provides assistance with applications for AHCCCS and Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP). Serves as a family resource center.
Provides food boxes to people in need. May also provide clothing, shoes, tarps, and blankets.
Provides food boxes, sack lunches, clothing to people in need in Wickenburg, Wittmann, Morristown, Congress, Yarnell, Salome, Aguila, and Wenden. Serves as hydration station and cooling center in the summer and warming station in the winter. Also provides dishes, linens, and other home items.