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Hears cases involving veterans charged with a misdemeanor within Coconino County. Does not include charges involving sexual offenses or violent crimes. Works to engage the veteran in treatment.
Hears cases involving veterans charged with a misdemeanor within the City of Flagstaff. Does not include charges involving sexual offenses or violent crimes. Works to engage the veteran in treatment.
Trial court has limited jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases. Hears civil actions of $10,000 or less and small claims of $3,500 or less. Handles traffic violations and landlord/tenant disputes including forcible detainer (evictions). Issues protective and restraining orders, and issues marriage licenses and performs marriages by appointment.
Works to engage the veteran in treatment and hears cases involving veterans charged with a misdemeanor within Mohave County. Does not include charges involving sexual offenses or violent crimes. Veterans participate in outpatient counseling treatment and inside-court participation in classes, meetings, and hearings. Average participation time is 6-18 months.
General jurisdiction court has the authority to hear civil, criminal, family law, and probate law matters in several locations. Also holds veterans court.
Hears cases involving veterans charged with a misdemeanor within Pinal County. Does not include charges involving sexual offenses or violent crimes. Works to engage the veteran in treatment.
General jurisdiction court has the authority to hear civil, criminal, and probate law matters in six locations. Also holds veterans court. Website provides daily court calendar information.
Court hears civil and criminal traffic, civil and criminal city ordinance violations, and misdemeanor criminal cases within the city limits. Issues Orders of Protection and Injunctions against Harassment. Also hears cases involving veterans and those with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) who have charged with misdemeanors. The goal is to encourage appropriate treatment; participation is voluntary.