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Provides assistance to help newly arrived refugees, asylees, and immigrants resettle in the Tucson area. Services include assistance with furnished homes, rental assistance, food, health care, English language classes, employment, and financial literacy skills. Also includes legal services toward residency and citizenship.
Assists asylees, immigrants, parolees, refugees, Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVs), and human trafficking survivors. Assists with asylum applications, family-based petitions, citizenship, permanent residency, replacement of lost or stolen documents, Special Protected Status Deferred Enforced Departure, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions, and family reunification. Drop-in SIV services include reception and placement, matching grants, Preferred Communities, employment services, cultural orientation, and state Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) benefits.
Provides assistance to help newly arrived refugees, asylees, and immigrants resettle in the Phoenix area. Services include furnished homes; rental assistance; healthcare; food; English language classes; help with job, computer, and financial literacy skills; social services and community support; and legal services toward residency and citizenship. Offers citizenship classes and test preparation.
Provides assistance for African refugees and immigrants with interpreting immigration paperwork, doctor and legal appointments, transportation, food boxes, and other needs.
Provides legal services to human trafficking survivors of any age. Offers assistance in immigration law, family law, and criminal history repair. Immigration law offerings include Special Immigrant Juvenile status, U-Visas, T-Visas, protection under the Violence Against Women Act, adjustment of status to Lawful Permanent Resident, help obtaining citizenship and Employment Authorization Documents. Helps with orders of protection, divorces, annulments, child support, and child custody (or, legal decision making and parenting time) as well as criminal history repair that includes help with good-cause exceptions for fingerprint clearance cards, sealing records, and more.