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Provides information about Medicare, Medicaid, and Medigap. Also provides assistance with enrollment in Medicare prescription drug plans, Medicare Advantage options, long-term care insurance, claims, and billing problem resolution, and other health insurance benefit information. Offers information and referral to public benefit programs for those with limited income and assets, and information on preventing scams.
Provides health care services including family medicine, well visits, and health education. Also provides HIV PrEP and PEP medication and HIV rapid tests. Offers eligibility assistance for SNAP benefits, and AHCCCS, KidsCare, and Health Insurance Marketplace enrollments. Provides hydration station during summer months.
Provides information for individuals, families, and small business employers to shop for and enroll in affordable health insurance. Consumers can compare available private health insurance options on the basis of price, benefits and services, quality, and other factors. Also accepts complaints and hears appeals.


Federal Health Insurance Marketplace Call Center/Website
Provides health care services including family medicine, pediatrics, dental care, well visits, prenatal care, health education, nutrition services, and behavioral health services. Offers eligibility assistance for SNAP benefits, and AHCCCS, KidsCare, and Health Insurance Marketplace enrollments. Provides hydration station during summer months.
Provides information for individuals, families, and small business employers to shop for and enroll in affordable health insurance. Consumers can compare available private health insurance options on the basis of price, benefits and services, quality, and other factors. Also accepts complaints and hears appeals.
Provides information about and referrals to services available in Avondale. Offers family support center, citizenship classes and test preparation, community mentoring, behavioral health services for children, adults, and families, teen pregnancy support, parenting classes, employment services, job fairs, career readiness coaching, senior services and support services for the developmentally disabled. Offers homebuyer assistance programs and credit counseling, and emergency rehabilitation assistance to homeowners. Offers application and enrollment assistance for AHCCCS, health insurance, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), Social Security, TANF, and WIC. Provides Medicare counseling. Offers rent and mortgage assistance. Offers gas and electric utility assistance. Offers limited evaporative cooler-water utility assistance during summer months. Offers legal aid services. Offers domestic violence support. Offers veteran resources. Services provided by partner agencies.
Offers assistance with finding health insurance including Marketplace/ACA, AHCCCS/Medicaid, and the state Children's Health Insurance Program/CHIP. Also helps with scheduling appointments for KidsCare and Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP).


State/Local Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Offers assistance with finding health insurance including Marketplace/ACA, AHCCCS/Medicaid, and the state Children's Health Insurance Program/CHIP. Also helps with scheduling appointments for KidsCare and Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP).
Provides application and navigation assistance with available health and human services programs.
Provides information and referrals and Medicare counseling to seniors in northern Arizona. Also provides intake and case management for seniors and adults with disabilities so they can remain in their own homes. Includes assessment of needs, development of an individualized care plan, and coordination of in-home support services. Offers ombudsman advocacy to those in long-term facilities.
Provides information and referrals and Medicare counseling to seniors in northern Arizona. Also provides intake and case management for seniors and adults with disabilities so they can remain in their own homes. Includes assessment of needs, development of an individualized care plan, and coordination of in-home support services. Offers ombudsman advocacy to those in long-term facilities.
Provides information about Original Medicare, Medicare Supplement insurance (Medigap), Medicare Advantage, Part D, and Long Term Care Insurance; and about avoiding Medicare fraud and abuse. Staff explain the options and assist in comparing plans, and can assist with filing appeals. Also provides Understanding Medicare workshops. Acts as Pima County's designated SHIP (State Health Insurance Program).
Offers AHCCCS and Marketplace Health Insurance enrollment assistance.
Provides information and referrals to services for senior and adults with disabilities. Includes referrals to senior centers, meals, transportation, housing, home repair and adaptations, counseling, support groups, and caregiver workshops. Also provides Medicare counseling. Offers hydration station in the summer.
Serves as the Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority for members of the Navajo Nation. Provides psychiatric evaluations, medication management, drug and alcohol treatment, and case management. Also provides individual, group, and family counseling. Separate residential treatment facilities for youth and adults.
Provides health care services including family medicine, pediatrics, nutrition services, and behavioral health services. Also provides HIV PrEP and PEP medication and HIV rapid tests. Offers eligibility assistance for SNAP benefits, and AHCCCS, KidsCare, and Health Insurance Marketplace enrollments. Provides hydration station during summer months.
Offers assistance with finding health insurance including Marketplace/ACA, AHCCCS/Medicaid, and the state Children's Health Insurance Program/CHIP. Also helps with scheduling appointments for KidsCare and Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP).
Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority for the Gila River Indian Community. Administers a system of agencies and service providers who deliver a variety of behavioral and health care services. Provides information to file an appeal for denied services. Website offers a list of providers.
Provides health care services including family medicine, pediatrics, dental care, well visits, health education, nutrition services, and behavioral health services. Also provides HIV PrEP and PEP medication and HIV rapid tests. Offers eligibility assistance for SNAP benefits, and AHCCCS, KidsCare, and Health Insurance Marketplace enrollments. Provides hydration station during summer months.
Provides health care services including family medicine, pediatrics, dental care, well visits, prenatal care, health education, nutrition services, and behavioral health services. Offers eligibility assistance for SNAP benefits, and AHCCCS, KidsCare, and Health Insurance Marketplace enrollments.
Provides health care services including family medicine, pediatrics, dental care, well visits, health education, and behavioral health services. Also provides HIV PrEP and PEP medication and HIV rapid tests. Offers eligibility assistance for SNAP benefits, and AHCCCS, KidsCare, and Health Insurance Marketplace enrollments. Provides hydration station during summer months.
Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority for members of the White Mountain Apache Tribe. Provides psychiatric evaluations, medication management, drug and alcohol treatment, individual counseling, and case management. Offers 24-hour telephone crisis intervention.
State Health Insurance Assistance (SHIP) and Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) counselors provide unbiased Medicare counseling services and personalized Medicare and Medicaid enrollment assistance for seniors, people with disabilities, and their family caregivers. Assists with completing and submitting forms. Assists Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse.
Provides application and navigation assistance with available health and human services programs.
Provides dental insurance for residents of Maricopa and Pinal County who are living with HIV/AIDS and have an income that is 400% or less of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines.