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Provides support services to the families of medically fragile children. Services include assistance with transportation, housing, and meals when traveling to visit their children in the hospital. Also includes financial assistance for medical care and funeral expenses. Teaches coping skills in improve the family's quality of life as they adjust to the changes. Clergy offer emotional support and spiritual guidance.
Provides financial assistance grants to help pay for medical-related treatments, services, and equipment for youth in need. Assistance is for items that are not covered, or only partially covered, by their commercial health insurance plans.
Provides information about kidney health, kidney disease, risk factors, and treatment options. Also provides financial assistance for dialysis and kidney transplant patients to pay for medication, health insurance premiums, and kidney donor expenses. Website offers various webinars which may be viewed online.
Provides financial assistance for sexual and domestic violence survivors in Maricopa County. Funds may be used for costs associated with accessing safety, healing, and security. Includes one-time assistance for relocation, rent, mortgage, and utility payments; counseling; medical; transportation; pet-related needs; and child care.
Provides grants to people who have worked in the floor covering industry and are in a financial crisis due to a life-altering medical event.
Provides financial assistance to end stage renal disease patients. Funds may be used to pay for medication, dental care, nutritional supplements, food, emergency living expenses, and transportation to and from dialysis treatments. Limited scholarship funding available for tuition and books. Educates the public and promotes organ donation through distribution of brochures, media coverage, and slide presentations at schools, clubs, and other groups. Supports research pertinent to treatment, cure, and prevention of kidney disease.
Assists qualified people in obtaining anti-convulsant medication and certain medical tests on an emergency, one-time basis.
Provides financial assistance for youth with cancer and their families for personal needs, medical expenses, and uninsured treatments. Also provides a resource center for alternative treatments for cancer patients.
Provides financial support for youth age 21 and younger affected by leukemia. Funds leukemia research.
Provides small grants to patients with a qualifying disease through various funds. Some of the grants are restricted to medical costs and others may be used for living expenses.