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Provides various employment training programs. Classes include the Pre-Employment Work Maturity course addressing job search preparation and job retention; individual and group Adult Basic Education; GED preparation; the Comprehensive Competencies Program, a self-paced computer course covering reading, mathematics, and language; and Administrative Office Skills instruction to help prepare students for working in an office.
Provides various employment training programs. Classes include the Pre-Employment Work Maturity course addressing job search preparation and job retention; individual and group Adult Basic Education; GED preparation; the Comprehensive Competencies Program, a self-paced computer course covering reading, mathematics, and language; and Administrative Office Skills instruction to help prepare students for working in an office.
Provides various classes for adults on probation and the general public. Classes include adult basic education, GED preparation, ESL, career readiness, and life skills. Includes customized learning plans with in-person and computer-assisted classes.
Provides various classes for adults on probation and the general public. Classes include adult basic education, GED preparation, ESL, career readiness, and life skills. Includes customized learning plans with in-person and computer-assisted classes.
Job Readiness
Provides employment and support services to previously incarcerated youth who have been recently released. Services include career planning and exploration, apprenticeship training, and job placement. May also include stipends and employment related fee payment assistance.
Provides employment and support services to previously incarcerated youth who have been recently released. Services include career planning and exploration, apprenticeship training, and job placement. May also include stipends and employment related fee payment assistance.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Job Readiness
Provides various classes for adults on probation and the general public. Classes include adult basic education, GED preparation, ESL, career readiness, and life skills. Includes customized learning plans with in-person and computer-assisted classes.
Provides various classes for adults on probation and the general public. Classes include adult basic education, GED preparation, ESL, career readiness, and life skills. Includes customized learning plans with in-person and computer-assisted classes.
Job Readiness
Provides services for job seekers. Services include assessment of career interests, skills, and abilities; job readiness, life skills, and financial literacy workshops; job coaching; interviewing clothing; job placement assistance; mentoring and individual case management. Additional services may include counseling, child care, transportation assistance, housing, and referrals to community services. Special reentry program for those previously incarcerated. Services offered in-person and virtually.
Provides services for job seekers. Services include assessment of career interests, skills, and abilities; job readiness, life skills, and financial literacy workshops; job coaching; interviewing clothing; job placement assistance; mentoring and individual case management. Additional services may include counseling, child care, transportation assistance, housing, and referrals to community services. Special reentry program for those previously incarcerated. Services offered in-person and virtually.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Job Readiness
Provides emergency shelter for adult, 18 and older, single men and women who are experiencing homelessness. Services for clients include case management, employment assistance, and referrals to additional services. All clients must be in-person to received services.
Provides emergency shelter for adult, 18 and older, single men and women who are experiencing homelessness. Services for clients include case management, employment assistance, and referrals to additional services. All clients must be in-person to received services.
Provides programs for youth and their families. Services include teen pregnancy prevention education, substance misuse information, life skills training, healthy relationship education, and employability skills development. Also provides parenting skills training and family strengthening workshops.
Provides programs for youth and their families. Services include teen pregnancy prevention education, substance misuse information, life skills training, healthy relationship education, and employability skills development. Also provides parenting skills training and family strengthening workshops.
Job Readiness
Provides information about and referrals to services available in Avondale. Offers family support center, citizenship classes and test preparation, community mentoring, behavioral health services for children, adults, and families, teen pregnancy support, parenting classes, employment services, job fairs, career readiness coaching, senior services and support services for the developmentally disabled. Offers homebuyer assistance programs and credit counseling, and emergency rehabilitation assistance to homeowners. Offers application and enrollment assistance for AHCCCS, health insurance, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), Social Security, TANF, and WIC. Provides Medicare counseling. Offers rent and mortgage assistance. Offers gas and electric utility assistance. Offers limited evaporative cooler-water utility assistance during summer months. Offers legal aid services. Offers domestic violence support. Offers veteran resources. Services provided by partner agencies.
Provides information about and referrals to services available in Avondale. Offers family support center, citizenship classes and test preparation, community mentoring, behavioral health services for children, adults, and families, teen pregnancy support, parenting classes, employment services, job fairs, career readiness coaching, senior services and support services for the developmentally disabled. Offers homebuyer assistance programs and credit counseling, and emergency rehabilitation assistance to homeowners. Offers application and enrollment assistance for AHCCCS, health insurance, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), Social Security, TANF, and WIC. Provides Medicare counseling. Offers rent and mortgage assistance. Offers gas and electric utility assistance. Offers limited evaporative cooler-water utility assistance during summer months. Offers legal aid services. Offers domestic violence support. Offers veteran resources. Services provided by partner agencies.
Provides family resource center, adult basic education, GED, English as a Second language, and career readiness classes. Mesa Parent University offers parenting skills classes. Does not include child care.
Provides family resource center, adult basic education, GED, English as a Second language, and career readiness classes. Mesa Parent University offers parenting skills classes. Does not include child care.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, family planning and individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Faith-based center provides services for pregnant women and women with infants. Provides onsite childcare for children ages 0-5 while mother is receiving services. Free, confidential services include food pantry, formula, baby food, clothing, diapers, showers, nutrition education, family planning and individual advocacy, information and referral, support groups, exercise groups, parenting skills, job readiness, adult literacy, citizenship test preparation and a variety of classes. Serves as a family support center.
Provides peer support services to adults living with a mental health and/or substance use disorder. Services include case management, independent life skills training, transportation, health and wellness classes, pre-employment support, substance use education, and referrals to additional resources. Collaborates with community providers to connect those who are justice-involved to needed services. Also provides water during the summer for people who are homeless.
Provides peer support services to adults living with a mental health and/or substance use disorder. Services include case management, independent life skills training, transportation, health and wellness classes, pre-employment support, substance use education, and referrals to additional resources. Collaborates with community providers to connect those who are justice-involved to needed services. Also provides water during the summer for people who are homeless.
Provides group and individual training in various life skills for people with disabilities. Includes using the bus, cooking and nutrition, pre-employment training, financial coaching, self-advocacy, and socialization.
Provides group and individual training in various life skills for people with disabilities. Includes using the bus, cooking and nutrition, pre-employment training, financial coaching, self-advocacy, and socialization.
Job Readiness
Provides services for job seekers with visual impairments. Includes vocational assessment, assistance with resumes, job readiness training, and job search assistance. Services offered in-person and virtually.
Provides services for job seekers with visual impairments. Includes vocational assessment, assistance with resumes, job readiness training, and job search assistance. Services offered in-person and virtually.
Provides drop-in center and support services for single adults who are homeless. Services include respite from the weather, restrooms, water, and Post Office services. Also includes assistance to apply for birth certificates, state ID, and DES benefits; and computer classes; employment preparation and job search assistance; pastoral counseling; mental health and substance abuse treatment; peer support services; and 12-step meetings. Offers referrals to community partners including shelter, medical, and dental care. Provides housing assessments for adults who are homeless. Based on the assessment, people who are the most in need are placed on the community-wide priority list. Local agencies use the list to get clients. Includes screening for additional services. Site for coordinated entry into housing. Offers Aid to Stranded Travelers for Nonresidents experiencing homelessness who find themselves stranded and in crisis situations in the Phoenix area. Issues replacement state-issued IDs.
Provides drop-in center and support services for single adults who are homeless. Services include respite from the weather, restrooms, water, and Post Office services. Also includes assistance to apply for birth certificates, state ID, and DES benefits; and computer classes; employment preparation and job search assistance; pastoral counseling; mental health and substance abuse treatment; peer support services; and 12-step meetings. Offers referrals to community partners including shelter, medical, and dental care. Provides housing assessments for adults who are homeless. Based on the assessment, people who are the most in need are placed on the community-wide priority list. Local agencies use the list to get clients. Includes screening for additional services. Site for coordinated entry into housing. Offers Aid to Stranded Travelers for Nonresidents experiencing homelessness who find themselves stranded and in crisis situations in the Phoenix area. Issues replacement state-issued IDs.
Job Readiness
Provides peer support services to adults living with a mental health and/or substance use disorder. Services include case management, independent life skills training, transportation, health and wellness classes, pre-employment support, substance use education, and referrals to additional resources. Collaborates with community providers to connect those who are justice-involved to needed services. The Peer After Crisis Team (PACT) offers peer-support to adults within 24 hours of a crisis event.
Provides peer support services to adults living with a mental health and/or substance use disorder. Services include case management, independent life skills training, transportation, health and wellness classes, pre-employment support, substance use education, and referrals to additional resources. Collaborates with community providers to connect those who are justice-involved to needed services. The Peer After Crisis Team (PACT) offers peer-support to adults within 24 hours of a crisis event.
Job Readiness
Provides services for adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) designation, including psychiatric services, case management, peer support, Assertive Community Treatment, counseling and employment services.
Provides services for adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) designation, including psychiatric services, case management, peer support, Assertive Community Treatment, counseling and employment services.
Job Readiness
Provides services for job seekers. Services include assessment of career interests, skills, and abilities; job readiness, life skills, and financial literacy workshops; job coaching; interviewing clothing; job placement assistance; mentoring and individual case management. Additional services may include counseling, child care, transportation assistance, housing, and referrals to community services. Special reentry program for those previously incarcerated. Services offered in-person and virtually.
Provides services for job seekers. Services include assessment of career interests, skills, and abilities; job readiness, life skills, and financial literacy workshops; job coaching; interviewing clothing; job placement assistance; mentoring and individual case management. Additional services may include counseling, child care, transportation assistance, housing, and referrals to community services. Special reentry program for those previously incarcerated. Services offered in-person and virtually.
Provides employment assistance to individuals in Maricopa County in their efforts to find direct hire full-time employment. Free services include job development with job leads specific to the individual, bus pass or gas voucher for interviews and applications, resume assistance, interview preparation, professional clothing, hygiene products. Once sustainable employment is obtained and verified, will provide transportation assistance to their first paycheck, work boots/shoes, uniform assistance, certifications, and basic tools. Services are focused on job searching clients only.
Provides employment assistance to individuals in Maricopa County in their efforts to find direct hire full-time employment. Free services include job development with job leads specific to the individual, bus pass or gas voucher for interviews and applications, resume assistance, interview preparation, professional clothing, hygiene products. Once sustainable employment is obtained and verified, will provide transportation assistance to their first paycheck, work boots/shoes, uniform assistance, certifications, and basic tools. Services are focused on job searching clients only.
Provides services for adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) designation, including psychiatric services, case management, peer support, Assertive Community Treatment, counseling and employment services.
Provides services for adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) designation, including psychiatric services, case management, peer support, Assertive Community Treatment, counseling and employment services.
Job Readiness
Provides services for job seekers with visual impairments. Includes vocational assessment, assistance with resumes, job readiness training, and job search assistance. Services offered in-person and virtually.
Provides services for job seekers with visual impairments. Includes vocational assessment, assistance with resumes, job readiness training, and job search assistance. Services offered in-person and virtually.
Provides peer support services to adults living with a mental health and/or substance use disorder. Services include case management, independent life skills training, transportation, health and wellness classes, pre-employment support, substance use education, and referrals to additional resources. Collaborates with community providers to connect those who are justice-involved to needed services.
Provides peer support services to adults living with a mental health and/or substance use disorder. Services include case management, independent life skills training, transportation, health and wellness classes, pre-employment support, substance use education, and referrals to additional resources. Collaborates with community providers to connect those who are justice-involved to needed services.
Job Readiness
Provides limited financial assistance for utilities to veteran families. Provides job readiness assistance for veterans to meet their current needs and improve their economic security.
Provides limited financial assistance for utilities to veteran families. Provides job readiness assistance for veterans to meet their current needs and improve their economic security.
Job Readiness
Provides employment assistance to individuals in Maricopa County in their efforts to find direct hire full-time employment. Free services include job development with job leads specific to the individual, bus pass or gas voucher for interviews and applications, resume assistance, interview preparation, professional clothing, hygiene products. Once sustainable employment is obtained and verified, will provide transportation assistance to their first paycheck, work boots/shoes, uniform assistance, certifications, and basic tools. Services are focused on job searching clients only.
Provides employment assistance to individuals in Maricopa County in their efforts to find direct hire full-time employment. Free services include job development with job leads specific to the individual, bus pass or gas voucher for interviews and applications, resume assistance, interview preparation, professional clothing, hygiene products. Once sustainable employment is obtained and verified, will provide transportation assistance to their first paycheck, work boots/shoes, uniform assistance, certifications, and basic tools. Services are focused on job searching clients only.