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Provides career exploration and job readiness services that help students with disabilities prepare for future employment. Topics discussed during workshops include job exploration counseling, work-based learning, counseling on post-secondary and training opportunities, work readiness training, and instruction in self-advocacy.
Provides employment and support services to previously incarcerated youth who have been recently released. Services include career planning and exploration, apprenticeship training, and job placement. May also include stipends and employment related fee payment assistance.
Services include peer support, wellness education and support, self-driven recovery, benefits system navigation assistance, education and pre-employment support, socialization opportunities, community interaction, and access to community resources. Offers a clothing closet for clients. Transportation to and from the clinic may be available.
Provides training designed to determine if people with disabilities are ready for employment. Includes training in the meaning, value, and demands of work, and the development of positive work habits.
Provides vocational development for youth and adults with disabilities to explore future opportunities while practicing social skills and individualized goals.