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Provides vocational rehabilitation services to Navajo people with disabilities who are interested in employment.
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to Navajo people with disabilities who are interested in employment.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides job search assistance, work adjustment, job development, and placement services for people with disabilities and disadvantages. Also provides paid employment and on-the-job support.
Provides job search assistance, work adjustment, job development, and placement services for people with disabilities and disadvantages. Also provides paid employment and on-the-job support.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides services designed to enable people with disabilities to become or remain employed.
Provides services designed to enable people with disabilities to become or remain employed.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to Navajo People with disabilities who are interested in employment.
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to Navajo People with disabilities who are interested in employment.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides individualized residential, vocational, and educational services primarily for people with developmental disabilities.
Provides individualized residential, vocational, and educational services primarily for people with developmental disabilities.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides individualized residential, vocational, and educational services primarily for people with developmental disabilities.
Provides individualized residential, vocational, and educational services primarily for people with developmental disabilities.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Day program for adults with intellectual/ developmental disabilities
Day program for adults with intellectual/ developmental disabilities
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides compensation and medical care for industrially injured workers where employers failed to carry workers' compensation insurance. Also provides vocational rehabilitation for permanently injured workers unable to return to their former occupations.
Provides compensation and medical care for industrially injured workers where employers failed to carry workers' compensation insurance. Also provides vocational rehabilitation for permanently injured workers unable to return to their former occupations.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides services designed to enable people with disabilities to become or remain employed.
Provides services designed to enable people with disabilities to become or remain employed.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides outpatient services to adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) designation. Offers case management, counseling, housing assistance, and employment assistance.
Provides outpatient services to adults with a serious mental illness (SMI) designation. Offers case management, counseling, housing assistance, and employment assistance.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides services designed to enable people with disabilities to become or remain employed.
Provides services designed to enable people with disabilities to become or remain employed.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to Navajo People with disabilities who are interested in employment.
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to Navajo People with disabilities who are interested in employment.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides vocational training for people with disabilities. Includes counseling, placement, and follow-up.
Provides vocational training for people with disabilities. Includes counseling, placement, and follow-up.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to Navajo People with disabilities who are interested in employment.
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to Navajo People with disabilities who are interested in employment.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides career exploration and job readiness services that help students with disabilities prepare for future employment. Topics discussed during workshops include job exploration counseling, work-based learning, counseling on post-secondary and training opportunities, work readiness training, and instruction in self-advocacy.
Provides career exploration and job readiness services that help students with disabilities prepare for future employment. Topics discussed during workshops include job exploration counseling, work-based learning, counseling on post-secondary and training opportunities, work readiness training, and instruction in self-advocacy.
Provides individualized residential, vocational, and educational services primarily for people with developmental disabilities.
Provides individualized residential, vocational, and educational services primarily for people with developmental disabilities.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides services to children and adults with disabilities. Services include developmental screening; physical, speech, and vocational rehabilitation programs; and family support. Also includes direct intervention in the areas of language, socialization, cognitive, motor and self-help with emphasis on parent training. Trains NAU students in practicum settings. Conducts research on problems of people with disabilities.
Provides services to children and adults with disabilities. Services include developmental screening; physical, speech, and vocational rehabilitation programs; and family support. Also includes direct intervention in the areas of language, socialization, cognitive, motor and self-help with emphasis on parent training. Trains NAU students in practicum settings. Conducts research on problems of people with disabilities.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides services for people with disabilities. Services include vocational counseling, disability related skills training, removing disability related barriers to employment, (re)training, education, rehabilitation technology, and job search assistance.
Provides services for people with disabilities. Services include vocational counseling, disability related skills training, removing disability related barriers to employment, (re)training, education, rehabilitation technology, and job search assistance.
Vocational Rehabilitation