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Provides financial assistance to needy families with dependent children for a lifetime limit of 60 months through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Assistance is available to single parents, two-parent families through the Two-Parent Employment Program (TPEP), Kinship Care, Kinship Foster Care, unwed minor parents, and legal permanent guardians. Grant Diversion Program provides one-time financial assistance to assist adults in families to get or keep a job so ongoing support will not be required.
Provides financial assistance to needy families with dependent children for a lifetime limit of 60 months through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Assistance is available to single parents, two-parent families through the Two-Parent Employment Program (TPEP), Kinship Care, Kinship Foster Care, unwed minor parents, and legal permanent guardians. Grant Diversion Program provides one-time financial assistance to assist adults in families to get or keep a job so ongoing support will not be required.
TANF Applications
Provides online enrollment application for AHCCCS Health Insurance coverage, KidsCare, Children's Rehabilitative Services, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance. Applicants will receive their eligibility status on completion.
Provides online enrollment application for AHCCCS Health Insurance coverage, KidsCare, Children's Rehabilitative Services, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance. Applicants will receive their eligibility status on completion.
TANF Applications
Offers assistance with finding health insurance including Marketplace/ACA, AHCCCS/Medicaid, and the state Children's Health Insurance Program/CHIP. Also helps with scheduling appointments for KidsCare and Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP).
Offers assistance with finding health insurance including Marketplace/ACA, AHCCCS/Medicaid, and the state Children's Health Insurance Program/CHIP. Also helps with scheduling appointments for KidsCare and Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP).
TANF Applications
Provides virtual chat assistant for assistance with AHCCCS Health Insurance coverage, KidsCare, Children's Rehabilitative Services, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance.
Provides virtual chat assistant for assistance with AHCCCS Health Insurance coverage, KidsCare, Children's Rehabilitative Services, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance.
TANF Applications