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Provides resettlement assistance to refugees. Includes food, clothing, shelter, English classes, orientation, help with social adjustment, and referrals for employment.
Assists asylees, immigrants, parolees, refugees, Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVs), and human trafficking survivors. Assists with asylum applications, family-based petitions, citizenship, permanent residency, replacement of lost or stolen documents, Special Protected Status Deferred Enforced Departure, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions, and family reunification. Drop-in SIV services include reception and placement, matching grants, Preferred Communities, employment services, cultural orientation, and state Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) benefits.
Provides services to refugees and asylum seekers. Services include English as a Second Language lessons, family mentoring, food preservation workshops, and garden art program.
Provides assistance for persons and families from other countries with the process of social and economic adjustment. Engages sponsors and/or communities in activities that promote the financial self-sufficiency and social integration of refugees into their new society as soon as possible after arrival in this country.
Provides a family-strengthening program for refugees and immigrants. Services are provided in their first languages, and includes support for adjustment to the US social system for those who are new to this country. Class meets once per week for up to 13 weeks. Ongoing family support is available after graduation.
Provides services for refugees including Refugee Medical Assistance, Refugee Cash Assistance, Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Program, English language training, preventive health program, mental health services, and other general services geared toward refugees.
Provide refugee resettlement services, immigration services, and assistance to people seeking asylum.
Provides refugee resettlement services, immigration services, and assistance to people seeking asylum.
Provides assistance to help newly arrived refugees, asylees, and immigrants resettle in the Phoenix area. Services include furnished homes; rental assistance; healthcare; food; English language classes; help with job, computer, and financial literacy skills; social services and community support; and legal services toward residency and citizenship. Offers citizenship classes and test preparation.
Provides resettlement services to refugees in the Phoenix area. Offers support services and distributes household, education, and hygiene kits.
Provides assistance to help newly arrived refugees, asylees, and immigrants resettle in the Tucson area. Services include assistance with furnished homes, rental assistance, food, health care, English language classes, employment, and financial literacy skills. Also includes legal services toward residency and citizenship.