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Provides educational opportunities for families and providers of services to children with behavioral health challenges. Offers support groups for parents and caregivers to give families a safe place to talk about their challenges, inspire hope, connect with other families, and share successes. Parent Assistance Center staff assists parents in resolving family challenges such as sibling support, access to services, free counseling, special education of 504 plans in schools, housing and shelter, etc.
Provides educational opportunities for families and providers of services to children with behavioral health challenges. Offers support groups for parents and caregivers to give families a safe place to talk about their challenges, inspire hope, connect with other families, and share successes. Parent Assistance Center staff assists parents in resolving family challenges such as sibling support, access to services, free counseling, special education of 504 plans in schools, housing and shelter, etc.
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides holiday meals and children's gifts for those in need.
Provides holiday meals and children's gifts for those in need.
Holiday Gifts/Toys
Provides helpline for parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Offers referrals to local resources.
Provides helpline for parents of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Offers referrals to local resources.
Parenting Helplines
Provides information about and referrals to services available in Avondale. Offers family support center, citizenship classes and test preparation, community mentoring, behavioral health services for children, adults, and families, teen pregnancy support, parenting classes, employment services, job fairs, career readiness coaching, senior services and support services for the developmentally disabled. Offers homebuyer assistance programs and credit counseling, and emergency rehabilitation assistance to homeowners. Offers application and enrollment assistance for AHCCCS, health insurance, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), Social Security, TANF, and WIC. Provides Medicare counseling. Offers rent and mortgage assistance. Offers gas and electric utility assistance. Offers limited evaporative cooler-water utility assistance during summer months. Offers legal aid services. Offers domestic violence support. Offers veteran resources. Services provided by partner agencies.
Provides information about and referrals to services available in Avondale. Offers family support center, citizenship classes and test preparation, community mentoring, behavioral health services for children, adults, and families, teen pregnancy support, parenting classes, employment services, job fairs, career readiness coaching, senior services and support services for the developmentally disabled. Offers homebuyer assistance programs and credit counseling, and emergency rehabilitation assistance to homeowners. Offers application and enrollment assistance for AHCCCS, health insurance, Nutrition Assistance (food stamps/SNAP), Social Security, TANF, and WIC. Provides Medicare counseling. Offers rent and mortgage assistance. Offers gas and electric utility assistance. Offers limited evaporative cooler-water utility assistance during summer months. Offers legal aid services. Offers domestic violence support. Offers veteran resources. Services provided by partner agencies.
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides Thanksgiving food items to prepare a full meal, including a turkey or ham. Also provides gifts to children of families in need during the Christmas season.
Provides Thanksgiving food items to prepare a full meal, including a turkey or ham. Also provides gifts to children of families in need during the Christmas season.
Holiday Adoption Programs
Provides family planning services, parenting classes, and material assistance for children such as diapers and clothing.
Provides family planning services, parenting classes, and material assistance for children such as diapers and clothing.
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides services for child victims of abuse. Services include crisis intervention, forensic interviews, medical examinations, and case management. Also provides parenting skills classes and mandatory child abuse reporter training.
Provides services for child victims of abuse. Services include crisis intervention, forensic interviews, medical examinations, and case management. Also provides parenting skills classes and mandatory child abuse reporter training.
Parenting Skills Classes
Distributes backpacks and school supplies to students in kindergarten through grade 12. Also distributes Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes so families can prepare their own holiday meals. Serves Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.
Distributes backpacks and school supplies to students in kindergarten through grade 12. Also distributes Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes so families can prepare their own holiday meals. Serves Thanksgiving and Christmas meals.
Christmas Meals
Offers Native American language and culture classes, community events, and special activities.
Offers Native American language and culture classes, community events, and special activities.
Parenting Skills Classes
Offers supportive services including case aide, parent aide, and life coaching services.
Offers supportive services including case aide, parent aide, and life coaching services.
Parenting Materials
Provides emergency food to individuals and families living in select zip codes in the valley. When available, offers personal grooming items, and formula and diapers for children age 1 and younger. Also provides information about community resources.
Provides emergency food to individuals and families living in select zip codes in the valley. When available, offers personal grooming items, and formula and diapers for children age 1 and younger. Also provides information about community resources.
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Provides parenting classes, early childhood programs, and resources and referrals for families with children age 5 and younger.
Provides parenting classes, early childhood programs, and resources and referrals for families with children age 5 and younger.
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides new holiday gifts for children ages 0-21 in foster, kinship, and guardianship care. Offers parents to shop for holiday gifts at Thunderbird Campus or receive a pre-packed joy bag through their DCS or tribal case worker.
Provides new holiday gifts for children ages 0-21 in foster, kinship, and guardianship care. Offers parents to shop for holiday gifts at Thunderbird Campus or receive a pre-packed joy bag through their DCS or tribal case worker.
Holiday Gifts/Toys
Provides family planning services. Also provides parenting skills classes for young mothers and fathers, and information on child development, budgeting and establishing a household. Participants complete lessons and earn Mommy Money which may be used to purchase baby items such as clothes, crib, car seat, diapers, toys, etc. Also provides education on sexual integrity, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy prevention for local young people through groups in schools and churches.
Provides family planning services. Also provides parenting skills classes for young mothers and fathers, and information on child development, budgeting and establishing a household. Participants complete lessons and earn Mommy Money which may be used to purchase baby items such as clothes, crib, car seat, diapers, toys, etc. Also provides education on sexual integrity, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy prevention for local young people through groups in schools and churches.
Resource Passports for Newborns
Provides a continuum of services to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. Offers a parenting education program which involves the entire family. Includes active parenting video-based classes and specialized workshops. Accepts parents who are court-ordered to attend. Free child care is provided at some of the classes. A speakers bureau is available for presentations on parenting and child abuse. Offers free vision and hearing screenings for children.
Provides a continuum of services to strengthen families and prevent child abuse and neglect. Offers a parenting education program which involves the entire family. Includes active parenting video-based classes and specialized workshops. Accepts parents who are court-ordered to attend. Free child care is provided at some of the classes. A speakers bureau is available for presentations on parenting and child abuse. Offers free vision and hearing screenings for children.
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Provides an educational home-visitation program to help new parents understand their baby's needs. Offers child development information, group activities, links to community resources, and ongoing supportive visits for up to 5 years.
Provides an educational home-visitation program to help new parents understand their baby's needs. Offers child development information, group activities, links to community resources, and ongoing supportive visits for up to 5 years.
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Provides assistance to pregnant women with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Offers Substances Use Disorder Treatment, Opioid Use Disorder Treatment, Medication Assistance, Mental Health Services, Neonatal Abstinence, Pregnancy and Pediatric Care, Postpartum Care, Parenting Education, Child Development Education, and Healthcare Provider Network.
Provides assistance to pregnant women with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Offers Substances Use Disorder Treatment, Opioid Use Disorder Treatment, Medication Assistance, Mental Health Services, Neonatal Abstinence, Pregnancy and Pediatric Care, Postpartum Care, Parenting Education, Child Development Education, and Healthcare Provider Network.
Child Development Classes
Provides food to Arizona families in need for Thanksgiving during an annual drive-thru event.
Provides food to Arizona families in need for Thanksgiving during an annual drive-thru event.
Thanksgiving Baskets
Distributes food, hygiene items, and prayer in and near homeless campsites in Tucson.
Distributes food, hygiene items, and prayer in and near homeless campsites in Tucson.
Works for a welcoming and safe downtown Tucson. Provides marketing, advocacy, security, and maintenance services. Website offers information on events, dining, shopping, cultural activities, and economic development opportunities.
Works for a welcoming and safe downtown Tucson. Provides marketing, advocacy, security, and maintenance services. Website offers information on events, dining, shopping, cultural activities, and economic development opportunities.
Christmas Light Displays
Provides services for people in need in Chino Valley, Prescott, and Prescott Valley. Services include emergency food boxes, meals, clothing, and limited financial assistance for rent and utilities.
Provides services for people in need in Chino Valley, Prescott, and Prescott Valley. Services include emergency food boxes, meals, clothing, and limited financial assistance for rent and utilities.
General Clothing Provision
Provides health supported family housing for pregnant and parenting women. Provides medical assisted treatment, substance abuse counseling, fitness and nutrition programs, life skills classes for healthy relationships, parenting, and financial literacy. Also assists with community referral and navigation of resources.
Provides health supported family housing for pregnant and parenting women. Provides medical assisted treatment, substance abuse counseling, fitness and nutrition programs, life skills classes for healthy relationships, parenting, and financial literacy. Also assists with community referral and navigation of resources.
Provides community education and programs for all age groups in the Down Syndrome community and their families.
Provides community education and programs for all age groups in the Down Syndrome community and their families.
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Distributes food boxes, clothing, and small household items to individuals, families, and other service organizations for distribution to those in need. Computer Training Center provides basic computer skills classes for people at or below poverty level income. Offers school supplies for children in need during back-to-school season. Provides blankets and warm clothing to people in need during winter months. Provides seasonal assistance including meal boxes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Also distributes toys, blankets, stuffed animals, scarves, and gloves for children who accompany families when they pick up Christmas food boxes.
Distributes food boxes, clothing, and small household items to individuals, families, and other service organizations for distribution to those in need. Computer Training Center provides basic computer skills classes for people at or below poverty level income. Offers school supplies for children in need during back-to-school season. Provides blankets and warm clothing to people in need during winter months. Provides seasonal assistance including meal boxes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Also distributes toys, blankets, stuffed animals, scarves, and gloves for children who accompany families when they pick up Christmas food boxes.
Thanksgiving Baskets
Offers parenting classes and support groups, family law legal services, diaper bag program, child support services, employment training services, financial literacy, food boxes, eye exams, eyeglasses vouchers, and referrals for housing and Duplicate Arizona ID. Assists ex-offenders through employment, mentoring and case management services.
Offers parenting classes and support groups, family law legal services, diaper bag program, child support services, employment training services, financial literacy, food boxes, eye exams, eyeglasses vouchers, and referrals for housing and Duplicate Arizona ID. Assists ex-offenders through employment, mentoring and case management services.
Parenting Skills Classes