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Provides in-home family support, family enrichment workshops, and parenting classes throughout Pima County. Holistic and multicultural programs work to strengthen family communication and improve child behavior. Includes information on positive parenting, child development, budgeting, home safety, healthy nutrition, coping with stress, and community resources.
Provides in-home family support, family enrichment workshops, and parenting classes throughout Pima County. Holistic and multicultural programs work to strengthen family communication and improve child behavior. Includes information on positive parenting, child development, budgeting, home safety, healthy nutrition, coping with stress, and community resources.
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides occupational, physical, and speech therapy for children and adults. Also provides play groups for children with or without developmental delays. Little Learner's program promotes physical, social, and emotional development support for children Birth-5 with special needs who do not qualify for early intervention services or preschool special education services.
Provides occupational, physical, and speech therapy for children and adults. Also provides play groups for children with or without developmental delays. Little Learner's program promotes physical, social, and emotional development support for children Birth-5 with special needs who do not qualify for early intervention services or preschool special education services.
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides home visits to families with children age 5 and younger. Offers information on parenting, bonding and attachment, and school readiness.
Provides home visits to families with children age 5 and younger. Offers information on parenting, bonding and attachment, and school readiness.
Home Based Parenting Education
Educates parents and caregivers to become teachers of children grade 3 and under through workshops, classes, and direct individual home visits.
Educates parents and caregivers to become teachers of children grade 3 and under through workshops, classes, and direct individual home visits.
Home Based Parenting Education
Administers Head Start programs in various locations throughout the reservation. Sites offer classroom based early education services for children in low income families. The emphasis is on school readiness. Services include nutritious meals, medical and dental services, activities for parents, and assistance for children with special needs. Early Steps is a voluntary home visitation program. Works to strengthen families. Services include parenting education, and information on early childhood development, health, and the importance of early literacy.
Administers Head Start programs in various locations throughout the reservation. Sites offer classroom based early education services for children in low income families. The emphasis is on school readiness. Services include nutritious meals, medical and dental services, activities for parents, and assistance for children with special needs. Early Steps is a voluntary home visitation program. Works to strengthen families. Services include parenting education, and information on early childhood development, health, and the importance of early literacy.
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides in-home support and parenting education for families who are expecting a baby or have a young child. The goal is to promote child development, early literacy, increase positive parent-child interaction, and enhance family functioning. There is a special component for parents with young children who have developmental concerns that may not qualify for early intervention services.
Provides in-home support and parenting education for families who are expecting a baby or have a young child. The goal is to promote child development, early literacy, increase positive parent-child interaction, and enhance family functioning. There is a special component for parents with young children who have developmental concerns that may not qualify for early intervention services.
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides a strengths-based program designed to help pregnant women and new and experienced parents with children age 5 and younger. Offers personalized home visits, group connections, health, vision, and hearing screenings, and networking.
Provides a strengths-based program designed to help pregnant women and new and experienced parents with children age 5 and younger. Offers personalized home visits, group connections, health, vision, and hearing screenings, and networking.
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides home visitation program for pregnant women and families with newborns. The goal is to promote child development and school readiness, enhance parent-child relationships, and increase self-sufficiency. Program is voluntary.
Provides home visitation program for pregnant women and families with newborns. The goal is to promote child development and school readiness, enhance parent-child relationships, and increase self-sufficiency. Program is voluntary.
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides home visits to families with children age 5 and younger and pregnant women. Offers developmental screening, parenting information, and group meetings with other families.
Provides home visits to families with children age 5 and younger and pregnant women. Offers developmental screening, parenting information, and group meetings with other families.
Home Based Parenting Education