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Psychiatric hospital with inpatient and day treatment programs specializing in mental health and chemical dependency care including detoxification, crisis stabilization, intensive care, and rehabilitation.
Provides peer support services to adults living with a mental health and/or substance use disorder. Services include case management, independent life skills training, transportation, health and wellness classes, pre-employment support, substance use education, and referrals to additional resources. Collaborates with community providers to connect those who are justice-involved to needed services. The Peer After Crisis Team (PACT) offers peer-support to adults within 24 hours of a crisis event.
Provides 24-hour crisis response for people who call 9-1-1 in Tempe and are victims of traumatic incidents such as homelessness, domestic violence, sexual assault, death and grief, mental health issues, substance abuse, and other crimes or critical incidents. Also provides service coordination and navigation for military veterans who live in Tempe.
Provide facilities for law enforcement and officers of the court to investigate sexual assault, domestic violence, and crimes against children and vulnerable adults. Victims receive medical examinations, crisis counseling, and advocacy connecting them with local community resources. Serves as a family resource center.
Provides confidential, bilingual crisis intervention, in person crisis intervention, advocacy, human trafficking prevention, crime victim accompaniment, crime victim safety planning, protective/restraining orders, sexual assault treatment, specialized information and referral, public awareness/education, and therapy for survivors of sexual violence, and their family and friends. Services are available through the crisis hotline, and drop-in and scheduled appointments. Also provides 24-hour support through the medical forensic exams as part of the Sexual Assault Resource Service (SARS).
Provides behavioral health services for children and adults. Services include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and crisis intervention. Also provides case management and individual, family, marriage, and group counseling.
Provides 24-hour crisis intervention for youth through a network of Safe Place locations. Any business, school, youth center, library, or Sun Tran bus that displays the yellow and black, diamond-shaped Project Safe Place logo is a designated location where youth can go and ask for help. The on-site staff will then contact program staff, who immediately dispatch a team to meet the youth and provide crisis intervention and other services.
Provides behavioral health services for children and adults. Services include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and crisis intervention. Also provides case management and individual, family, marriage, and group counseling.
Provides behavioral health services for children and adults. Services include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and crisis intervention. Also provides case management and individual, family, marriage, and group counseling.
Provides integrated behavioral health and medical services for children and adults. Services include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and crisis intervention. Also provides case management and individual, family, marriage, and group counseling. Offers physical exams, preventive care, and chronic disease management.
Provides integrated behavioral health and medical services for children and adults. Services include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and crisis intervention. Also provides case management and individual, family, marriage, and group counseling. Offers physical exams, preventive care, and chronic disease management.
Provides individual, group, and family counseling for children, adolescents, and adults. Services include office, home, and school-based therapy. Also includes Level II DUI education, substance abuse assessment and treatment, domestic violence assessment and treatment, parenting classes, and crisis intervention. Also provides behavioral health care, including psychiatric evaluations and medication management. Offers individual, group, and peer counseling.
Provides behavioral health services for children, adolescents and adults. Children and adolescent services include crisis management, outpatient counseling and medication management, one-to-one behavior coaching, case management, parent support, and psycho-educational programs. Adults services (GMHSU) include outpatient counseling and medication management. Services offered in-person and telehealth. Home-based services vary based upon request.
Mobile crisis unit provides 24-hour on-site crisis intervention for victims and witnesses of crime. Provides support, advocacy, case information, court accompaniment, and referrals for victims and witnesses of crime. Also provides funds through Victim Compensation Board to assist victims of crime with expenses incurred due to crime. Allowable expenses include medical, funeral, counseling, crime scene clean-up, and wage loss that resulted from the crime. Debriefs groups of people who have been affected by a crisis or disaster.
Provides crisis counseling and trauma informed care based therapy sessions for crime victims and their families.
Provides a shelter for women experiencing homelessness, survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking, and their children. Services include basic needs, crisis intervention, case management, and referrals to additional resources.
Provides integrated behavioral health and medical services for children and adults. Services include psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and crisis intervention. Also provides case management and individual, family, marriage, and group counseling. Offers physical exams, preventive care, and chronic disease management.
Provides behavioral health care to youth, adults, and families. Offered in-home and in the office. Services include individual counseling, psychiatric evaluations, medication monitoring, and substance abuse treatment. Also provides drop-in and mobile crisis intervention.
Provides services to people who have been victims of violent crime. Victim Advocates provide crisis intervention, mobile advocacy, protective order assistance, safety planning, and community resources. Forensic medical exams are provided on-site for victims of sexual violence and domestic violence strangulation.
Provides on-scene crisis intervention, short-term counseling, and advocacy for crime victims and witnesses. Includes those involved in mental health crisis, domestic violence and sexual assault.
Provides outreach services to domestic and sexual violence survivors. Services include individual advocacy, crisis intervention, safety planning, lay legal advocacy support and accompaniment, individual counseling, community education and awareness.


In Person Crisis Intervention
Provides domestic and sexual violence crisis line including information and referral. Domestic and sexual violence shelter and CAAFA's Safe Home Network are available to callers. Also provides individual counseling, legal and general advocacy, and case management. Offers community education and outreach on domestic violence issues. Provides support groups for women affected by domestic and sexual violence.


In Person Crisis Intervention
Provides drop-in psychiatric evaluations and crisis intervention services for children and adults. Includes 23-hour observation, detox, and on-site courtroom for patients admitted through the legal system.
Provides confidential temporary shelter for victims of domestic violence and a 24-hour crisis line and crisis intervention for victims of domestic violence, sex trafficking, sexual assault, dating abuse and stalking. Services include individual advocacy, care/case management, general crime victim assistance, subject specific public awareness/education, adult sexual assault prevention, spouse/intimate partner abuse prevention and life skills education.


In Person Crisis Intervention
Provides emergency shelter for people who are fleeing abusive relationships. Services include case management, crisis intervention, and referrals to other services.


In Person Crisis Intervention