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Provides services to support youth experiencing homelessness so they can graduate from high school. Students can earn a monthly stipend based on school attendance and get free items such as food, toiletries, school supplies, and more. Also provides connection to additional resources. Does not provide crisis services or housing.
Provides self-paced GED classes combined with work experience on community art projects. Includes academic assessment and remedial education to bring youth up to ninth-grade level. During the eight-week vocational arts component, students work in teams under professional artists to design and complete mosaic tile murals. Program includes case management and counseling. Students who attend class 30 hours per week receive a weekly stipend and an incentive payment upon completion of the entire program.
Provides back packs and school supplies for TUSD students. Also provides hygiene items and clothing such as pants, shirts, diapers, underwear, belts, shoes, socks, dresses, and prom gowns.
Distributes food boxes, clothing, and small household items to individuals, families, and other service organizations for distribution to those in need. Computer Training Center provides basic computer skills classes for people at or below poverty level income. Offers school supplies for children in need during back-to-school season. Provides blankets and warm clothing to people in need during winter months. Provides seasonal assistance including meal boxes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Also distributes toys, blankets, stuffed animals, scarves, and gloves for children who accompany families when they pick up Christmas food boxes.
Provides alternative education charter high schools. Also provides academic and vocational assessment, pre-employment skills training, job development and placement, tutoring, internships, and after-school and summer work experience programs for youth.
Provides house mentors to work with children in the group homes, opportunity to participate in back to school, Christmas, and career development events. Group homes may also participate in our Summer Enrichment Programs (reading and STEM activities), Apprentice To Permanency Program (Trades Industry Introductions), and The Restoring Dignity Room (Bras for teen girls). Also provides pajamas Go-Kits, Cuddle Bags, hygiene Kits, for children entering foster care and offers transitional suitcases, and cell phones for 18 year old youths aging out.
Provides leadership in developing strategies to enhance the well-being of children and youth in Coconino County. Website offers a directory of available resources for children and youth and their families.
Sells donated clothing, furniture, books, videos, CDs and DVDs, toys and crafts, and household goods to the general public. Provides benevolence vouchers for people in need once per year; voucher is for $25 or less and can be used for clothing and shoes.
Provides daily lunches, emergency food boxes, clothing, and toiletries to people with severely low income or who are experiencing homelessness.
Provides emergency shelter for people who are fleeing abusive relationships. Services include case management, crisis intervention, and referrals to other services.


School Supplies Donation Programs
Provides information about and referrals to community resources. Provides limited case management and supplemental support services to promote self-sufficiency.
Assists asylees, immigrants, parolees, refugees, Special Immigrant Visa holders (SIVs), and human trafficking survivors. Assists with asylum applications, family-based petitions, citizenship, permanent residency, replacement of lost or stolen documents, Special Protected Status Deferred Enforced Departure, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions, and family reunification. Drop-in SIV services include reception and placement, matching grants, Preferred Communities, employment services, cultural orientation, and state Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) benefits.
Maintains visitation centers where families meet for supervised visits. Offers tutors, birthday parties, special events, life skills workshops, and enrichment programs for foster children.
Provides crisis intervention hotline and gender inclusive shelter for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Program includes advocacy, case management, counseling, and life skills training educational groups. Answers the Northern Arizona Care and Support After Assault hotline for adults and adolescent victims of sexual assault to go for help and to explore their options after an assault.


School Supplies Donation Programs
Provides integrated wellness and behavioral health care. Offers family-centered services for youth ages 2-17 based on the Arizona 12 Principles. Services include youth and family outpatient counseling, intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment, intensive in-home support for families, Autism Spectrum family support services, psychiatric evaluation, psychiatric medication management, and care coordination.
Provides transitional housing and comprehensive social services to families who are facing homelessness.
Administers emergency shelter and other human services programs in Maricopa County.
Provides specialized, early childhood education preschool and summer camp.
Provides new backpacks and school supplies to foster, kinship, and guardianship children.
Provides information on the US Constitution and the philosophy of freedom. Offers classes on the principles of liberty and the concepts of free markets, private property, and limited government for people age 14 and older; successful participants can apply for academic and travel scholarships. Also provides classes on economics and the law for youth. Loans books, CDs, DVDs, and cassette tapes. Offers meeting space for small groups.
Provides food boxes and clothes to people in need.
Sponsors annual resource fair for school children in families with low income. Provides backpacks with school supplies, uniform shirts, and new shoes.
Administers programs for children, youth, families, adults, and seniors. Merger of Family Counseling Agency, Information & Referral Services, New Beginnings for Women & Children/Tucson Shalom House, and Our Town Family Center.
Facilitates foster care licensure and the certification process for DES, private, kinship, and step-parent adoptions. Provides orientations in order to familiarize families with the foster care, adoption, and certification process. Provides initial training to become licensed for foster care or certified for adoption and advanced training services. Provides placement coordination for families and children. The Expectant Parent program provides assistance to any expectant parent(s) considering voluntarily relinquishing their parental rights.